Our Nepali to English Translation is powered by Google Translator. You can type in Roman or input your Nepali Unicode text to translate it into English. Start typing in Roman, and the system will convert it into Nepali Unicode in real-time. Once your text is ready, click the 'Translate to English' button, and the translated text will appear in the bottom text field.
You can also translate English text to Nepali Unicode. Simply enter your text in the bottom text field and click the 'Translate to Nepali' button. The translated text will then appear in the top text field.
This web tool can be use the Roman to Nepali Unicode converter is the best tool to type in Nepali. It provides the easiest way to type in Nepali Unicode font. Whether you're posting on Facebook, sending emails, or text messages, this tool helps convert your Romanized words to Nepali Unicode. You don't need to know the Preeti font type. Just type in Nepali Romanized font, and see the conversion to Unicode. For example, type 'namaste' to get 'नमस्ते' and press space/enter to see the result.
Some examples:
If you type "नेपाल भारत र चीनको बीचमा छ ।", it will translate to "Nepal is between India and China."
नेपालीमा टाइप गर्नको लागि केहि टिप्सहरुः